Hasil Publikasi Mahasiswa Teknik Mekatron
Tahun 2019
- Rahayu, T. M., Chandra, J., Pasande, L. S., & Halim, L. (2019). Perancangan Basis Data Bagi Sistem Informasi Kerja Praktek Prodi Teknik Mekatronika UNPAR. Jurnal Manajemen Informatika (JAMIKA), 9(2), 132-143.
- Halim, L., & Nathanlius, D. (2019). Simulasi Perancangan Turbin Propeller untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sungai Maliringan Dengan Metode Computational Dynamics Fluid (CFD). Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mercu Buana, 8(1), 340396.
- Chandra, J., Tamba, T. A., & Sadiyoko, A. (2019, December). Energy-Based Modeling and Swing Up Control Synthesis of an Inverted Pendulum System. In 2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering (MoRSE) (pp. 265-269). IEEE.
- Octavia, A. R., Nathanlius, D., & Tamba, T. A. (2019). Implementasi Kontrol Umpan Balik Keluaran Berbasis Tapis Kalman dan Regulator Kuadratik Linier pada Sistem Pendulum Terbalik. Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi, 11(2), 485857.
- Taruna, C., Halim, L., & Arthaya, B. M. (2019, December). Initial Concept for Increasing Polycrystalline Fixed Solar Panel Efficiency with Water Treatments. In 2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering (MoRSE) (pp. 180-185). IEEE.
- Arthaya, B., Naa, C. F., & St, R. (2019, December). Preliminary Design of Seed Spreading Robot as An Educational Mechatronic Project. In 2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering (MoRSE) (pp. 64-68). IEEE.
- Sudiro, R. D., Arthaya, B. M., & Halim, L. (2019, December). Design of Propeller Turbine for Micro-Hydro-Electric Power Plant at Cikapundung River-Bandung. In 2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering (MoRSE) (pp. 122-127). IEEE.
- Trisakti, M., Halim, L., & Arthaya, B. M. (2019). Power Coefficient Performance of Savionus Wind Turbine Using CFD Analysis.